4+1 tips για να απαλλαγείς από την ακμή

4+1 tips to get rid of acne

1. Hands away from the face!

Whatever you do, don't mess with your skin. Even better, your hands completely away! Touching our face may seem harmless enough, but it turns it into one of the dirtiest parts of our body – and we're just spreading acne-causing bacteria, dirt and oil.

While we may think that "popping" pesky pimples will make them go away faster, we are actually making the condition much worse and prolonging the healing process. Not only do we spread bacteria to and from the affected area, but we also create an open wound that will likely create a scar after the pimple.

Remember: most pimples last about a week. But the scars we leave by teasing them can last for months…or longer.

2. What kind of acne do you have – and what is the appropriate treatment

Every acne or pimple is different, so don't assume that one product is right for every type.

Sure, salicylic acid is great for acne-prone skin overall, but when it comes to topical treatments, there's a suitable product for whatever type of acne you're dealing with.

  • THE cystic acne characterized by painful, sometimes painful lumps under the skin usually found on the chin and jaw. ( We recommend: Buffering Lotion )
  • The papules they are inflamed, blocked ducts that appear as red, painful bumps. ( We recommend: Anti-Acne Serum , Therapeutic Cream )
  • The blisters is the classic image of acne. They appear as red, inflamed bumps that end in a white head filled with pus. ( We recommend: Anti-Acne Serum , Drying Lotion )
  • Ta Whiteheads are blocked pores that appear as small bumps on the skin. Unlike black pores, the sebum trapped in the follicle never gets a chance to come to the surface and therefore does not oxidize (discolor). ( We recommend: (drying lotion )

3. Be "kind" to your skin.

Less is more. We tend to overdo it when all we want is to get rid of a problem, but using too many products (some too harsh on our skin) will make any situation worse. After consulting with your dermatologist, use new products each time to allow your skin to adjust (and also so you know the culprit behind any negative reactions). Avoid "harsh" products as they are overly drying and further irritate already problematic skin.

4. Balance is key

Acne products can dry out your skin no matter how mild they are. Therefore, it is imperative to restore moisture to your skin. A light, oil-free moisturizer is best for acne-prone skin. ( Oil-Free Moisturizer , aloe moisturizer spf15)

5. Wash your makeup brushes, pillow case and towels often.

These are the items that have the most contact with your face and are therefore known to harbor and carry acne-causing bacteria, dirt, dust, and oil. Clean them often and you will see that your skin becomes noticeably clearer with fewer spots and pimples.

Extra tips!

In addition to the cleanser, lotion, cream, mask and peel (daily acne skin care routine) these are the products you need in an emergency, depending on the type of acne you have:

  • Prevention acne: Anti-Acne Serum
  • Coping Cystic Acne (below the surface of the skin): Buffering Lotion
  • To camouflages while treating acne, h Drying Cream she is ideal.
  • Taking it a step further, the Special Healing Powder camouflages while treating acne breakouts AND absorbs excess oil.
  • It also dries shrinks whiteheads (pimples with pus) while you sleep: Drying Lotion
  • Reduction of black pores : the Silver Powder breaks down oil trapped in pores.

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