How does Vitamin C benefit the skin?
If you've looked in the mirror and thought, “My God, my skin looks dull,” you're probably:
- In the middle of winter (or after months of quarantine) and the lack of vitamin D is evident
- you haven't slept well for a long time,
- you feel anxious
- you have neglected her exfoliation … or maybe all of the above.
There are many daily factors that contribute to lackluster skin, and while there are some ways to counteract them - including a healthy and balanced diet - there are also some skin care tips that will leave you looking (and feeling) a little brighter. shiny.
Vitamin C, for example, is an antioxidant that the skin care industry has been touting in recent years that (when applied topically) can help improve skin health, reduce pigmentation (flakes, etc.) and collagen stimulation.
In this article, we'll look at the main benefits of introducing vitamin C into your skin care routine to determine if it's a good choice for you and your skin type.

You may already know that the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) and the dermis (the inner layer) contain high levels of vitamin C. The antioxidant is there to keep the skin healthy and support the production of natural collagen, which is why many of your favorite skin care products contain this vitamin.
Due to its antioxidant capabilities, vitamin C can help fight free radicals or reduce the numerous environmental factors that affect our skin.
These include pollution, excessive sun exposure and smoke, which contribute to the breakdown of collagen in the skin. This means accelerated signs of aging, dark spots/flakes and lack of radiance, and that's exactly where vitamin C facial products come to the rescue.
Enhancing shine and eliminating blemishes
When applied topically on a regular basis, vitamin C can help reduce dark spots (freckles), which are often associated with more mature skin, as well as boost overall radiance.
Not only does it work well on its own but it boosts the shine even more when combined with several other ingredients, including licorice.
Stimulates collagen production
Vitamin C is a highly effective anti-aging ingredient as it stimulates the acceleration of collagen production in the skin resulting in a more youthful complexion.
The channeling of collagen below the skin's surface helps to maintain its health and firmness, thus maintaining its smooth texture and beautiful appearance.
We recommend the following products with vitamin C: